How to Protect your NAS from Hackers

Having data lost due to hard disk failure can be gut-wrenching. But having your data encrypted or wiped by remote hackers can be equally so. You might have heard that QNAP NAS devices have been recently subjected to yet another ransomware attack. And you might remember that during the summer WD My Book Live were subject to remote hackers running data wiping software on them.

In the most recent QNAP case, the attackers used 7-Zip to move files on QNAP devices into malicious password-protected archives and encrypt QNAP NAS devices worldwide. Frenzied users across the globe reported how even though their devices were using updated versions of firmware and QTS (NAS Operating System), they still got hacked.

The problem with NAS devices

One of the problems with NAS devices is that ease-of-use is prioritised over security. This problem has been compounded by manufacturers prioritising features over security. Some NAS devices now come bundled with more apps than a teenyboppers smartphone. While more apps might sound great, it exponentially increases your NAS device’s attack surface.  

How do I prevent my own NAS or my client’s devices from getting hacked?

First of all, your NAS shouldn’t be connected to the internet at all. However, some users will still want to connect their NAS devices to the internet for remote access, so we’ve included some tips anyway.

Change default usernames and passwords. Do not, for example, use “admin” as the default username. This is exactly why so many QNAP users get caught out by the QSnatch botnet, which first spotted in 2019. It was programmed to launch a brute-force attack against devices using the default “admin” as a username. As for choosing a password, make sure it’s complex and uncommon.

For example, “liverp@@lfc” is not considered a secure password. While it’s complex, it too common to be secure. Would a hacker’s brute-force password database have this? – probably. Use the online Kaspersky Password checker to test the robustness and strength of your password.   

Avoid the temptation of using remote NAS access services such as MyQnapCloud, Synology’s Quick Connect service or LaCies’ MyNAS service. While these services are very convenient, they poke a hole in your router, which makes your device, internal network and data more exposed to external attacks.

While many NAS boxes now come equipped with onboard VPN services, such as OpenVPN, you might also want to give these services a wide berth. Just one firmware zero-day attack on your NAS makes it more porous than Swiss cheese.

Instead, if you really need to access your NAS remotely, access it using a VPN connection provided by your firewall device (SonicWall, Fortinet etc). If you don’t have a firewall, you can use VPN services such as Wireguard coupled with Tailscale. Or, you could try accessing your NAS remotely using a service such as ZeroTier.

Disable UPnP port forwarding on your NAS and router to prevent brute-forcing attacks from external attackers.

Make sure FTP access to your NAS is disabled. FTP is an old and insecure file transfer protocol that should never be enabled on your NAS. In fact, if remote access is not required, disable all internet services on your NAS except for DNS and NTP.

Disable multiple login attempts to your NAS (called AutoBlock in Synology devices)

I have permissions set on my NAS so that only the “administrator” can write to it?

A lot of malware in circulation these days uses “privilege escalation“ to bypass read/write and erase permissions. So unfortunately this does not afford you a great deal of protection against ransomware or “wiper” malware.

I have setup my backup application to run snapshots to my NAS, will that protect me?

Not always. Snapshots can get wiped by disk-wiping malware.

So, is it only Synology and QNAP?

Not true, in March 2020 a new variant of the Mirai botnet was scanning TCP ports looking for Zyxel NAS devices. The password brute-forcing attacks would then force vulnerable Zyxel NAS devices offline by using a DDoS attack. In February 2019, D-Link NAS devices were subject to Cr1ptT0r Ransomware. In fact, the situation got so bad, D-Link even began issuing firmware updates for end-of-life NAS boxes.   

If I follow all these guidelines, will my NAS be secure now?

No! A zero-day exploit could be discovered tomorrow, which makes your NAS vulnerable. Always follow the 3-2-1 backup methodology. 3 copies of data. 2 on different mediums and 1 backup off-site.

Never forget that a NAS device is not a backup in itself if you don’t have the data stored elsewhere. Some users buy a second NAS for the purposes of backup. This is an option which is well worth considering.

Can data be recovered from a NAS which has been subjected to a ransomware or malware attack?

Sometimes cyber criminals will deploy their malicious encryption software with an inadvertent bug in it. This allows some software vendors (such as Emsisoft) to release a “fix” or “decryption” tool which can mean successful restoration of data.

When it comes to data-wiping malware, sometimes it will only delete file system (EXT3, EXT4, NTFS, XFS etc.) metadata. This then makes a raw data recovery (recovery without original file structure) possible.  

Drive Rescue, Dublin Ireland offer a complete NAS data recovery service for Synology (DS120, DS414, DS416, DS718) , QNAP (TS-219, TS-251,TS-451,TS-453), WD My Book, WD My Cloud, WD My Cloud EX2, WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra, Buffalo (LInkstation + Terrastation) and LaCie (2Big, 4Big, 6Big and 8Big)